Officer Jenny also worked with Growlithe and Arcanine Pokémon, which acted as police dogs in the series. Affectionately know as Growlie, James had the Pokémon as a pet when he was a child, but it remained behind when he ran away from home. Fans of the anime might recall that James of Team Rocket had a pet Growlithe in the series. Originally introduced in the first generation Pokémon games, Growlithe can evolve into Arcanine with the use of a Fire Stone. At first glance, Growlithe might seem to be some sort of tiger, but the Pokémon is more reminiscent of a wolf-like puppy. With bold stripes and orange/cream colored fur, Growlithe is an adorable Fire-type Pokémon. 14 Growlitheįans of Disney's 1992 animated classic Aladdin will probably note a close comparison between this Pokémon and the lovable tiger, Rajah. The name "Emolga" seems to be a combination of the Japanese word "emon" which means drapery or clothes, and momonga, a scientific term for a Japanese dwarf flying squirrel. Fans were given a glimpse of the flying squirrel Pokémon in August 2010. Some believe that Emolga is based on an actual Japanese dwarf flying squirrel. When they glide or attack, they can release a burst of electricity against an opponent. Classified as a Sky Squirrel Pokémon, Emolgas dwell in treetops and collect energy stores of electricity inside of their big cheeks.

Trainers first got to add Emolga to the squad while playing the fifth generation games like Pokémon Black and White and Black and White 2. With round black eyes and bright yellow dots on its cheeks, Emolga is just one those Pokémon that make it hard to hold back a smile. Super cute and squee-inducing, Emolga is reminiscent of a flying squirrel and another rodent-type creature. It's a bird, it's a plane, no-it's Emolga! In the anime, fans were first introduced to the Pokémon in "Emolga the Irresistible!" when Iris caught a female Emolga. Here are the 20 Cutest Pokémon Of All Time! 20 Jigglypuff All in all, this was a fun list to put together, so let’s get going! Some of our Honorable Mentions include Pachirisu, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Oshawott, Shinx, Buneary, Axew, Celebi, Mudkip, and of course, Cubone. Sadly, as much as we wanted to include tons of adorable favorites, we capped this list at twenty.

We also opted to include many Pokémon from the original series (we’re looking at you, Red and Blue fans), but also chose to feature several favorites from newer installments to the franchise. For starters, we decided to include all Eeveelutions in one entry, because, um, Eevee! Just kidding, but in all honesty, we could have made over half this list include every version of Eevee evolution, ever, and kept it at that. Although this was a difficult list to put together, we sorted through the Pokédex to find some of the most adorable, cute, and cuddly. When it comes to deciding on the most adorable, aww-inducing Pokémon of all time, this was a tough one.

Recently, our team looked at Pokémon that get worse when they evolve, most unfairly difficult gym leaders and even darkest Pokemon fan theories. When it comes to Pokémon, cuteness factor can be a close substitute. Ah, we’ve all heard the saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.